Creating what you truly want in your life is often associated with striving, hard work, and overachieving. Voices in the outside world and in your own mind want you to believe that you have to fix everything that’s wrong with you first, before you can have what you want.
What if creating could be more joyful and effortless? In this workshop we will explore aspects of that Hero’s Journey to your heart’s desire and purpose. Creating what you love starts with raising your awareness about what’s going on in your internal world.
In this workshop you’ll learn:
- Why your Unconscious has so much power and how it trips you up
- How you can decrease self-judgment and regrets
- Why positive thinking does not work
- How to connect with your true nature
In short, this is about becoming the Alchemist of your own life – rising above the swings of the pendulum, and moving your power from conditions and circumstances to inspired action.
About Filip Roeckens
Filip Roeckens is a Natural Success coach and trainer on a mission to open hearts and free minds. He loves exploring consciousness, intuition, alchemy, hermetic philosophy, Structural Dynamics, the wisdom of the body, and dancing.
Practical Information
When? Wednesday, 22 May 2019 from 18h45-21h00
Where? Timesmore Boulevard St Michel 47, 1040 Brussels – Map
How much? A contribution of €12 to cover expenses including materials, drinks, snacks, etc.