It’s hard to believe that 2 months of 2013 have passed already! We’ve been communicating mainly via mail and facebook, but it’s good to post here more regularly as well. So in this post I want to take stock of some of the events that happened last year, and look forward to what the rest of 2013 might bring.
In the Spring we organised 2 events for Pay it Forward. Both generated a lot of enthusiasm, which led to the establishment of a separate organisation: Pay it Forward Belgium.
In May we went crewing at UPW again, for the first time in London after a couple of years of UPW being organised in Italy. Crewing really adds an extra dimension, we wouldn’t want to miss this annual appointment anymore!
August was for me personally the start of an intensive period of seminars and workshops. Next to a number of trainings in Belgium and the Netherlands, I completed Tony’s Mastery University. Life & Wealth Mastery in Brighton, and Date with Destiny in Palm Springs, California. I wasn’t alone, at both events we had a delegation of about 10 Belgians, many of them have become Yes Group regulars since. Bart, me, Walter and Joris made a road trip before DWD with many memorable moments, the top one being our skydive of course! Great way to expand our comfort zone once again. To be honest, I’m still digesting and integrating all the lessons from these events, it will be inspiration for future posts :-).
In the fall we started organising masterminds in Brussels, next to the one in Antwerp. Both groups are growing, partly thanks to all the people we met at the different seminars. It’s a great way to keep the momentum and support each other in the implementation of what we learned. The energy at the meetings is amazing, we’ve seen breakthroughs happen and wonderful insights being shared.
So what will 2013 bring? We will continue our masterminds of course. We will crew again at UPW in May, we already know there will be at least 7 of us in the crew, as well as a sizeable group of Belgian participants! We will further support the Belgian Basketbrigade. As for new initiatives, we are considering organising a few larger events on weekend days. These could be fun / teambuilding events, workshop tryouts by our members, and international speakers from the TR family. Stay tuned, and let us know if you have more suggestions!