Last month, several Yes Group members participated in “Dancing with Life”, hosted by Dey Dos. Tony Robbins speaks about the power of physiology, as the foundation of all effective change (peak state, anyone? :-)). Dancing with Life is like the advanced course on physiology! We learned about our physical self, the body as a teacher, centering, breathing, body language, t’ai chi, and how the model of the triune brain ties it all together. Dey mentions that the way we move through life can be seen in the way we move through space. Therefore, by working with how we move through space, we can change how we move through life. Most of all, we experienced this through physical exercises, in order to get it in our body. This is exactly why Tony’s events are so physical: learning does not happen only in the mind, we need to embody it through practice and repetition. What we practice, we become. And – tadaaa – this is exactly why the Yes Group is so important for me: we support each other in applying what we learned, so it becomes a way of being.
This might be a great topic to share further insights about at our next meeting in Brussels, on April 17th. Register now! If you’d rather attend our meeting in Antwerp, fill out the doodle, we will announce the date in the next few days. If you wonder what our meetings look like, in Brussels we usually have 2 parts: the mastermind part, and a sharing part. It’s geared towards helping each other to reach our goals, by asking questions, giving input, sharing lessons, and creating accountability. We keep improving our process to ensure maximal value for all participants. At our April meetings, we will experiment with a slightly different opening (check-in). Be there!
And finally, some very exciting news: in May we are organising a Yes Group special edition, with as guest speaker Mike Berry! He is the founder of Yes Group Scotland, and has been involved in Personal Development for over 20 years. Mike has spoken around the world on the Internet Marketing and Personal Development stage. He will talk about “Chasing the elusive, mythical unicorn called Financial Freedom” – sounds promising! So mark your agenda for May 21st, we will open registrations soon.