Back from London ;-)

I wanted to limit the number of seminars I’m going to this year, to take time to integrate all the previous ones; I was able to do so until half September, but since then it seems I’m at an event every week, and this will continue into December…Luckily I can be very picky and only choose topevents 😉

This time, I’ve just returned from London where I attended Andy Harrington’s Speakers Bootcamp. I first met Andy 4 years ago and he stood out with his inspirational message and speaking skills. The interesting thing is that a lot of what he does today was triggered by Tony Robbins… He is also a master at describing the psychology of personal development afficionado’s, so he in turn triggers me a lot. One of my favorite lines: “Your dream will not shut up until you listen to it”.

In the end, I couldn’t resist any longer, and applied for and got accepted into his Professional Speakers Academy! I’m very excited to be honing my public speaking skills over the next year and inspire more people as a result 🙂

In the meantime a lot is happening for the Yes Group as well. We will be working closely together with Succesgids, as they are planning more events in Belgium. As mentioned before, they are organising a free UPW preview workshop with Harry Singha on November 28th, and we have our own Yes Group branded registration page now: – be sure to use this one when you sign up! Please forward this link to any friends who might be interested – this is a great way to warm them up for UPW. Their life might never be the same again 😉

Before that we will of course have our mastermind, as usual on the 3rd Wednesday of the month. In October David shared many valuable insights from Leadership Academy, this month we will have the pleasure of listening to Liza’s presentation, that she created as a result of a previous mastermind session.

The practical details:
When: Wednesday 20 November, welcome from 19h, start at 19h30
Where: Alsembergsesteenweg / Chaussée d’Alsemberg 350, 1190 Brussels
Fee: €5
Register at

Keep going for your dreams, and CU next week!

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