While a good number of us are getting excited to travel to London on Thursday for this year’s Unleash the Power Within, it’s also the time to register for this month’s meeting. We’re very happy to have Mike Berry as a guestspeaker, who will talk about his experiences chasing that elusive, mythical unicorn called “Financial Freedom”. Mike is a dynamic and entertaining speaker, so don’t wait to reserve your spot!
Original Founder & Chairman of YES Group Scotland, Mike has been involved in Personal Development for over 20 years. Mike has spoken around the world on the Internet Marketing Platform and also Personal Development Stage.
In 2006 Mike was a successful businessman, and he created “The Largest Inspirational Event Ever To Come To Scotland”, with the vision of inspiring 10,000 people at once. In the process he messed up his finances & took himself to the verge of bankruptcy & suicide.
In 2008, Mike decided to “walk the talk” and has essentially been touring Europe ever since, generating 100% of his income via the web en-route.
Join us to hear part of Mike’s journey. He promises many surprises & gifts for all to learn and share, including his recent invitation to share the speaking platform with a real-life astronaut. Go to Fikket to book your ticket – €10 early-bird if you book & pay before May 12th.
And please tell your friends as well!