
Facts Over Fear, Part 3

Unfortunately, much of the news about COVID-19 has come clouded in the business of mass media which built momentum selling us a narrative of fear.

As new facts have emerged and research develops, it is our responsibility to stay flexible, and make well-informed decisions utilizing all the information we have. As Tony always says, we must have the acuity to assess whether our approach is working, and know when it’s time to change our approach.

In this episode, Tony goes on a journey of discovery in discussion with 7 special guests to uncover the truth about coronavirus. He spent weeks immersing himself in first-party research and carefully selected a panel of the most qualified researchers, an experienced epidemiologist, a Nobel Laureate, and M.D.s testing and treating patients on the frontlines. Together, they reveal the evidence-based research that has come to light – facts that you’re not hearing in the headlines that are absolutely crucial in shaping decisions about how to move forward.

This is one of the most important interviews that Tony has conducted in his 40+ year career, as it reminds us to stand guard at the door of our mind, practice discernment when determining trustworthy sources, and think critically for ourselves as we stay flexible, and maintain the ability to pivot in light of new information — especially when lives depend on it.


  • Dr. Michael Levitt, PhD, Nobel Prize – Chemistry, Professor of Structural Biology, Stanford
  • Dr. Eran Bendavid, M.D. Associate Professor of Medicine, Stanford University
  • Dr. Michael Roizen, M.D., Chief Wellness Officer Emeritus, Cleveland Clinic
  • Dr. Alan Preston, Sc.D, Former Professor of Epidemiology & Biostatistics, Texas A&M
  • Senator Scott Jensen, M.D., Family Physician (R-Minnesota)
  • Dr. Dan Erickson, M.D., Co-Owner, Accelerated Urgent Care
  • Dr. Artin Massihi, M.D., Co-Owner, Accelerated Urgent Care

Find episode notes and link to additional research at Tony’s website.

26 March – Post-UPW Edition

UPW 2014We’re just back home and fired up after another outstanding UPW experience 🙂 It was great to see so many Belgians as crew or as participants, some that I didn’t even know were going to be there!

We are meeting on the 26th, so join us to share our experiences and insights, and talk about how we can implement what we learned in our everyday life. The location is Cedric’s office, easy to reach by car and by metro.

The practical details:
When: Wednesday 26 March, welcome from 19h, start at 19h30
Where: Newton 21, Av. Gustave Demey 57, 1160 Brussels
Metro: Hermann-Debroux or Demey / Parking available
Fee: €5
Register at

18 December – Christmas Edition

6HN_HarryThe UPW preview workshop on 28 November was a great day, with more than 100 participants for the evening part. Great to meet up with Harry Singha, he was kind enough to mention Yes Group a few times so we got extra exposure. The best part was meeting 17y old Hester, who is one of the lead coaches for Tony’s Global Youth Leadership, and finding out that she lives in my city! What are the odds? NB If you need UPW tickets for yourself or loved ones contact me and I’ll get you the best deals 🙂

The next big event in Antwerp is coming up 1-2 February: Weekend with the Masters, an event with 10 Belgian & international speakers. And there might be a surprise guest 😉 If you want to participate, use the Yes Group code “YES14” to receive a 80 euro discount! Plus at the moment you get a second ticket for free! Meaning it’s currently only 67 euro excl. VAT for 2 tickets. More info and registration at We are also looking for crew members to help out, thanks to those of you that already confirmed, please contact me if you want to join the team.

Before all that we are planning to end the year with a bang and get in the best shape for 2014! Our Yes Group meeting on December 18 will be a festive one. You are invited to bring a bottle of your favorite drink or some snacks. We’ve pronounced it to be a Zag day 😉 As for the mastermind part, the idea is for everyone who wants, to share one specific outcome you want to achieve in 2014, so we can give input, and support you to achieve it. If you haven’t got one yet, we can help you define it on the spot, or you can share an insight or result you got this year that might be interesting for others too.

A set of questions that we used in a seminar last weekend may help you to prepar e this:
What’s one outcome that you want to achieve in 2014?
What can you do next week as a first step to get you closer to that outcome?
Who will help you reach this?
How will you measure your progress?
How will you celebrate achieving your outcome?
What have you learned this past year that will help you (and might help others too)?

The practical details:
When: Wednesday 18 December, welcome from 19h, start at 19h30
Where: Alsembergsesteenweg / Chaussée d’Alsemberg 350, 1190 Brussels
Fee: €5
Register at

Back from London ;-)

I wanted to limit the number of seminars I’m going to this year, to take time to integrate all the previous ones; I was able to do so until half September, but since then it seems I’m at an event every week, and this will continue into December…Luckily I can be very picky and only choose topevents 😉

This time, I’ve just returned from London where I attended Andy Harrington’s Speakers Bootcamp. I first met Andy 4 years ago and he stood out with his inspirational message and speaking skills. The interesting thing is that a lot of what he does today was triggered by Tony Robbins… He is also a master at describing the psychology of personal development afficionado’s, so he in turn triggers me a lot. One of my favorite lines: “Your dream will not shut up until you listen to it”.

In the end, I couldn’t resist any longer, and applied for and got accepted into his Professional Speakers Academy! I’m very excited to be honing my public speaking skills over the next year and inspire more people as a result 🙂

In the meantime a lot is happening for the Yes Group as well. We will be working closely together with Succesgids, as they are planning more events in Belgium. As mentioned before, they are organising a free UPW preview workshop with Harry Singha on November 28th, and we have our own Yes Group branded registration page now: – be sure to use this one when you sign up! Please forward this link to any friends who might be interested – this is a great way to warm them up for UPW. Their life might never be the same again 😉

Before that we will of course have our mastermind, as usual on the 3rd Wednesday of the month. In October David shared many valuable insights from Leadership Academy, this month we will have the pleasure of listening to Liza’s presentation, that she created as a result of a previous mastermind session.

The practical details:
When: Wednesday 20 November, welcome from 19h, start at 19h30
Where: Alsembergsesteenweg / Chaussée d’Alsemberg 350, 1190 Brussels
Fee: €5
Register at

Keep going for your dreams, and CU next week!

Back from California…

I’m back from a very inspiring seminar with Brendon Burchard, and exploring California; so many amazing things to see over there, both the culture and nature. If you just look at the size of the redwood trees, the waves, the rocky coastline,… – no wonder they think bigger in California 😉 Anyway it gave me a lot of new inspiration and energy to kick some ass the next months!

David just returned from California too, he attended TR’s Leadership Bootcamp, and he will share his experience and some of his insights at this month’s mastermind. It will be on the 3rd Wednesday as usual, but it will be at a different location, Office Brussels, which we used before for our workshop in May.

Thank you to all who attended the Fascination Factor workshop last month, it was a great experience and the useful feedback will make it even better next time! You can see the pictures at (and like this page! 🙂 ). Registration for the 2-day Uncover Your Passion workshop on 23-24 November is now open, if you register by 18 October you can grab the Very Early Bird rate of just 99 euro (excl. VAT)!

Two other interesting opportunities (free!):

There are free tickets available for the NAC (headliners: Les Brown and Robert Kiyosaki), this weekend (19-20 October) in Amsterdam. Contact me if you’re interested.

UPW preview workshop about the 6 Human Needs with Harry Singha, one of the leaders of Tony’s Youth Leadership programme. 28 November in Zandhoven, be there if you want to know more about the UPW experience!

The practical details for the mastermind meeting:
When: Wednesday 16 October, welcome from 19h, start at 19h30
Where: at Office Brussels, Boulevard du Souverain / Vorstlaan 34, 1170 Brussels
Metro: Herrmann-Debroux / Tram: Tenreuken or Valkerij
Fee: €5
Register at

Fascinating Birthday Edition

As Bart, Mitch and me will all be travelling in September, there will be no regular mastermind meeting. Instead you are invited to join us for a fascinating workshop on September 10th to celebrate 2 birthdays: my own, and the birth of the Fascination Factor programme. It has been quite a journey since I was challenged 2 months ago to launch the programme, it confronted me with some of my old internal struggles, but ready or not, “real artists ship” – I could keep thinking about it for a few months/years/decades more, or I can show up and stop being so selfish by not sharing my gifts.

What to expect from this event: with Fascination Factor I want to create a community of people who want to make a difference, who love what they do & do what they love, and make money from it, whether that’s through your ideal job or as a self-employed person. I’ll present my vision, share part of the journey that led me here, and you’ll get a taste of the content and exercises of the upcoming workshops. The main topics will be discovering your passion, living off your passion, and improving your marketing. And if you are already living your passion, you can join us just for the fun, the networking and the birthday bubbles!

Find all the practical details and registration at the Fikket page.

Fascinatie Factor

August news and upcoming events

The weather cooled down a bit, so we can speed up again! Our mastermind in Brussels is next week, and if all goes to plan, we will enjoy the long-promised live music 😉
I wanted to mention a few other upcoming events as well. To each of these events at least one of us is going, let me know if you are interested to join and I’ll connect.

OUTSTANDING SOCIAL for truly committed Firewalkers – London, 31/08 – a get-together for UPW graduates and Tony fans

The Jupiter Experience – Amsterdam, 7-8/09 – a workshop about coaching tools with TR trainer Brigitte Sumner (FB

Success Seminar 2013 – London, 28/09 > There’s a special deal if we can get 10 people together.

NAC Amsterdam, 19-20/10 with the Kiyosaki’s and Les Brown!

Turning to our own events, due to travel plans there will not be a mastermind in September, however you are all invited to my birthday party 😉 on September 10, mark your agenda! More details about this later; if you’re the curious type, you can have a look at the draft of the teaser.

This month’s mastermind takes place at the usual time & place, 21 August at miMedication. Register to participate!